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EXPO "La Photographie par Lola Garrido"
du 16 February au 13 May - Tous les jours de 11h à 18h, fermé le lundi

A history of photography through the Collection Lola Garrido
Museum of photography Charles Nègre
16 February - May 13, 2018
From 11: 00 to 18: 00. Closed Monday, Easter Sunday, 01/05

Focus on the Museum Charles Nègre which hosts from February 16 to May 13, 2018 an exhibition dedicated to the history of photography through the Lola Garrido collection!

The opportunity to discover the works of the greatest masters of photography of the end of the 19th century in the mid-1990s. Lola Garrido has spent his entire professional career in art, as a collector, Commissioner of exhibitions, criticism... She has an extraordinary catalogue of authors.

Part of this collection dedicated to the great masters in the history of photography from the end of the 19th century in the mid-1990s is presented at the Museum of photography Charles Nègre. It brings together 130 old prints - for the most iconic - made by 63 authors, covering all of the artistic movements of the photograph.

Among the artists featured in the exhibition, are the pioneers Julia Margaret Cameron, Edward Steichen and Alfred Stieglitz ; the great authors European and American of the 20s and 30s André Kertész, Lotte Jacobi, Alexander Rodchenko, or Lee Miller ; the highlights of Photojournalism as Elliott Erwitt, William Klein, Garry Winogrand, Dorothea Lange (mother migrant - 1936 on living conditions in rural America) or Robert CAPA (death of a Republican soldier - 1937); cutting-edge creators Man Ray, René Magritte, Harold Edgerton and Raoul Hausmann ; the famous Lillian Bassman, Irving Penn or Horst P. Horst fashion photographers or even today's artists such as Cindy Sherman, Philip-Lorca Dicorcia, Diane Arbus, Nan Goldin, Robert Mapplethorpe.

Lola Garrido has collaborated with the Government of the community of Madrid as an advisor to the regional Department of Culture and Director of the project Department, and began to specialize in photography and contemporary art.

Lola Garrido is illustrated in several areas of art as:

  • Collector, by bringing together several selections of photographs, which recently for its collection deprived the work of Garry Winogrand, Women are beautiful
  • Commissioner, she has created in 1985 the first Festival of video art organized in Spain and has organized more than 90 national and international exhibitions
  • Art critic, she has worked regularly with headlines in the Spanish press

Lola Garrido is interested also in graphic design and book publishing.

Office : Marie-France Bouhours, artistic director of the Museum of photography Charles Nègre

EXPO "La Photographie par Lola Garrido"
Musée de la Photographie Charles Nègre - 1 Place Pierre Gautier - Le Vieux Nice
du 16 February au 13 May - Tous les jours de 11h à 18h, fermé le lundi

Tarif: Événement payant

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